Bubblegum Betty

Friday, April 26, 2013

Georgia Peaches (Week 12)

I am now officially 3 months pregnant!  I can't believe that I'm a third of the way through this pregnancy already.  It's kinda crazy when I say it out loud.  And when I think about the fact that I only have 6 more months to go is really insane.  I feel like we have so much to do in such a short time!  Cody and I have really started talking about which direction we want to go with the nursery if it's a boy or a girl.  I'll be keeping that a secret until we find out the sex of the baby!  And I probably won't completely reveal it until I can do a full nursery re-cap.  But...we both think that what we've come up with so far is pretty adorable for either!  It won't be much longer until we find out what we're having...which is super exciting!  We are already counting down the days.!!!

Anywho...back to the 12 week pregnancy update!  Baby Kelley is the size of a sweet Georgia Peach this week!  Already 3 inches long and I'm really starting to show!  I've worn a couple of tight shirts this week and my belly is really starting to pop out through them.  It's still pretty flat in the mornings...but it doesn't stay that way for long!  After every meal, my belly gets bigger and bigger.  The only complaint that I've had this week about being pregnant is the fact that I've had a head cold since the weekend and there is nothing I can take.  I have been so congested and had a runny/stuffy nose pretty much everyday this week.  Which makes for not very much restful sleep because I've woken myself up with a dry throat from having to breath out of my mouth.  I've felt much better as everyday of the week has gone on.  But Monday and Tuesday I felt like a zombie!  I did still workout everyday...running and CrossFit of course!  I was a little slower than normal just because it was harder to breathe.  But I think continuing to workout really helped break up all this junk in my head.  Every night I've gotten better, more restful sleep.  And everyday I've felt more and more like myself.  I'm still a little stuffy...but nothing compared to what I was earlier in the week!

We did do some fun things we did for the baby this week.  On Saturday, my mom and I went to some estate sales.  The boys were at the ranch hunting...so we had time to go and do the estate sale thing while they were playing.  We found an adorable cradle for our bedroom for the baby's first few weeks as well as some gorgeous, antique furniture that we'll have re-done for the nursery.  I just said earlier I wasn't going to spill the beans on anything with the nursery...but that was just too fun not to tell!  We also went in to Kid's Village just to look around and see what all they had for cribs and bedding...and just all the other amazing things they have!  We sat down with their interior designer and picked out some fabric for a boy and a girl to have custom bedding made depending on the gender.  We are just so picky when it comes to what we want for the nursery and neither one of us like anything too "baby."  After we looked through the store and some books with pre-made stuff, we both decided that custom bedding was the way to go.  It will be exactly what we want, in the colors we want, and made just for us...which is so special.  Especially for the first one!  It was really fun to go in and look around and pick out fabrics.  It will be even more fun after we find out what it is and we can really get serious with all the planning!

The longer I've been pregnant, the more fun I've had and the more I'm enjoying it.  I'm feeling great, other than being sick with a head cold.  I'm still working out and doing all the things with that that I used to do.  And...I'm only one week away from being out of the 1st trimester!!!  Our sweet little Georgia Peach just gets cuter and cuter!!!

Week 12 Symptoms:
  • Super, super tired.  Being pregnant on top of having a cold has put me to bed every night around 8:00!
  • Ravenously hungry!!!
  • Every growing boobs.  We did double-unders in a lot of WODs this week and they were bouncing all over the place!
  • Still pretty moody and irritable :-(
  • Aversions: still the same...meat and veggies
  • Cravings: I'm not really having any!  Sometimes I'll see a commercial for something or be in a grocery store and see something and that's when I realize that whatever it is sounds good.  I don't always cave...but I have given in a couple of times!
Only 28 more weeks to go!!!

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