Bubblegum Betty

Friday, April 5, 2013

CrossFit Open WOD 13.5

Well...this is the 5th and final WOD of the 2013 CrossFit Open.  Cody and I were both sitting at our computer last night in full anticipation of what they were going to throw at us this week!  Since this was the last WOD of the Open, we knew that it was going to be a brutal, killer one.  We were also excited to see the two groups of athletes compete after the announcement of the WOD.  Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and Samantha Briggs were the two female competitors and Rich Froning and Jason Khalipa were the two men competitors.  All four of these athlete have competed in the previous CrossFit Games and placed in the top 10 or won the Games.  When Dave Castro got ready to make the official announcement, we were on the edge of our seats.  They had the four athletes in another room where they could still hear the announcement, but they showed a little square at the bottom of the screen of their reactions.  Their reaction told us all that this WOD was going to be, by far, the hardest WOD of the Open!  It is basically a modified Fran (21-15-9: Thrusters and Pull-Ups), which every CrossFitter knows is probably the hardest Girl WOD in CrossFit.  Not only that, but the set of 15 in Fran is by far the hardest and most grueling of the 3 sets.  And in this WOD, you repeat that set over, and over, and over again!  We watched the four athletes compete and were blown away by how amazing they did, then talked a little about our goals for 13.5 before we headed to bed.

The last time I did Fran, my time was 4:44.  So, I knew I would be pushing it to get 90 reps before the first 4:00 minutes of this WOD was up.  In fact, I kinda figured I wouldn't get past the 4:00 minutes or probably even close to 90 reps.  Since I've been pregnant, my workouts have slowed down a bit, which they should.  Dr. Tadvick told me that I can keep doing what I'm doing, lifting the same weights I was before and running, and CrossFitting.  I just can't get any new max's and I really need to tone the intensity down.  So, I knew that I needed to keep my goal reasonable for 13.5 so I didn't push myself more than I should (I've done that all through the Open).  I decided that if I could get 60 or more reps, I would be really pleased with myself.

I went in in the morning and warmed up by walking a mile, stretching, doing a few thrusters with the pvc pipe, and a few chest to bar pull-ups.  I was nervous about the chest to bar pull-ups.  I don't do them often and they are A LOT harder than regular kipping pull-ups.  I also haven't gotten my butterfly pull-ups down yet, which would have saved me a lot of energy on the chest to bar pull-ups on this WOD.  After about 15 mintues of warming up, I was ready to do my last WOD of the 2013 CrossFit Open.  At 3...2...1...GO!  And I was getting after it.  I did my first set of thrusters unbroken and went straight to the chest-to bar pull-ups.  I rarely break on a set of 15 pull-ups, but these were different.  I wound up breaking them into 3 sets because I just couldn't keep my grip and I was absolutely drained.  I finished the pull-ups with more than half my time left to go, so I knew I could get through the second set of this WOD.  I broke the second set of thrusters up into two sets.  I did 8, then 7.  And then moved on to the chest to bar pull-ups.  This time, I think I broke them up into 5 sets.  I could really feel my energy level going down and I just couldn't make myself stay on the bar.  BUT...I finished the last pull-up of the second set with 3 seconds left and before I complete a full thruster, the timer went off.  So, I accomplished my goal of getting 60 reps on 13.5!

I am so thankful that I was able to compete in the 2013 CrossFit Open.  Not just because I love CrossFit and I am so blessed to be a part of something so awesome that pushes you every single day and where the community is more like a family.  But, also because I started the open at 5 weeks pregnant and finished the last WOD at 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant.  I did every single WOD RXd and wound up coming in the top half of the women that competed in the Open for the South Central Region.  Not bad for a pregnant girl!  I loved how the people at my box pushed me and cheered me on each and every time that timer went off for a WOD to begin and I love the fact that I can still compete and WOD even though I'm pregnant with this sweet little baby.  I've said it before and I'll say it again...I absolutely love CrossFit!!!  I have never felt better, been more fit, or been stronger in my whole life.  Even through this pregnancy, CrossFit is something that I love doing and look forward to each and everyday.  The Open was a blast and I am super excited about going to watch Regionals at the end of May in San Antonio.  Hopefully, we'll be cheering Brent on and one other guy from Abilene that will definitely make it, Roy, as they represent the South Central Region of CrossFit.  The CrossFit Open 2013 was unbelievably fun, challenging, brutal, and just amazing.  All in all, I'm really happy with all 5 of my WODs and I look forward to competing in the 2014 Open next year!!!

Open WOD 13.5 - 60 reps
Weeks Pregnant - 9

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