Bubblegum Betty

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

CrossFit Open WOD 13.3

Man on man.  When I watched the announcment and the two athletes compete in this WOD...I was not looking forward to it on Thursday morning.  "Karen" is one of the girl WODs...which is 150 wall balls by itself.  We did that WOD at CF325 not too long ago and doing that by itself was a killer.  I remember my quads, hamstrings, and butt were sore for several days after doing it.  My time for "Karen" was 6:34...so my goal was to do the wall balls in around that time so I could get as many double-unders as I could in the remaining time.  Double-unders are something I struggle with.  I can string about 10-15 together...but after doing 150 wall balls...you're shoulders are shot and you're pretty much beat.  My plan was just to do the wall balls as fast I could because I knew that doing 90 double unders was going to take me awhile after being so drained from the wall balls.  So, I knew that 13.3 was going to be pretty brutal.  And...this was a repeat WOD from last year's 12.4...so everyone remembers it from the year before and was NOT looking forward to it!

All in all...I'm happy with my performance on this WOD.  I didn't do as good on the wall balls as I planned.  I think mentally I was pacing myself more than I had physically allowed myself to do.  My mind and body were not exactly on the same page...and that happens sometimes.  I don't know if I had kinda psyched myself out trying to strategize the night before or what.  But, I can honestly say that I did my best and pushed myself to the max.  I wound up getting 181 reps.  Which means that I did all 150 wall balls and 31 double unders.  I finished the wall balls at 9:48...so I had 2:52 left to try to get as many double unders as I could.  And let me say that after those wall balls...they were super hard for me.  I wound up doing them one at a time...which wasted a lot of time.  But, I also didn't think that jumping up and landing so hard to try and string as many together as I could would be a good idea.  So...13.3 ended with 181 reps.  Two more weeks of the Open left to go!!!

Open WOD 13.3 - 181 reps
Weeks Pregnant - 7

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