Bubblegum Betty

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Telling Our Parents They're Going to be Grandparents!

Cody and I talked, and talked, and talked, and talked about how we were going to tell our parents that they were going to be promoted to grandparents.  I had seen so many ideas on Pinterest about how to tell your parents, or anyone else for that matter, that you're pregnant.  I found out on Saturday afternoon, February 23rd and told Cody that same night.  I posted about that in the blog post right before this one.  It's a super cute video of him opening up a box full of baby goodies...and the two tests I had taken...you should go watch it if you haven't!  So, we spent most of Sunday discussing different ideas on how to tell them.  I suggested waiting a few days so that we could come up with something super cute and creative.  I mentioned a puzzle, making a picture frame, making something like a bulletin board with cut out letters and cute decals, etc.  The more we talked about it, the more we agreed we should tell them soon because the news was going to be hard to keep from them.

The way we decided to tell my parents was by having a cake made.  We went to Albertson's right after life group on Sunday night to pick out a cake.  Thankfully, they already had one made up that all we had to do was tell the lady what we wanted written on it.  It was just a regular rectangle cake with chocolate frosting and then all along the sides it had pink, blue, and yellow squiggles and sprinkles on it.  Perfect right?!?!?  We had them wright, "Surprise...We're Pregnant!  You're going to be Grandparents" on the cake in yellow.  I had called my parents on the way home and told them that we had leftover cake from life group and wanted to bring them some and of course they said bring it over!  So, we pull up and go inside with the cake and I sat it down on the counter and Cody came behind me.  I'm sure they knew something was up because we told them that this cake was decorated really cool and wanted them both to see it...so they would be in the kitchen and open it up at the same time.  My mom was timid...she thought something was going to pop out at her!  But, when they opened the box and read the cake, the were SO excited!  It was so exciting to see their very surprised and sweet reaction.  They were overjoyed and couldn't stop smiling.  My dad immediately took a picture and sent it to Michael (who was at a friend's house) and Michael sent a text back right away that he couldn't be happier.  They will be amazing grandparents and Michael will be an awesome uncle!  We stayed over there and talked to them for awhile then headed back home to see our four legged babies.  I'm so glad that we didn't wait...it would have been so hard!

I had blood work done on Monday, February 25th and as soon as we go the word back from Dr. Tadvick that my levels were perfect and we were pregnant, Cody called his dad to come over for dinner that night.  He called his mom right after to see if she was at work...he was going to take her pink flowers with a blue ribbon tied around it with a card telling her she was going to be a grandma.  But...she wasn't at work that day...bummer.  But...he went up there the following day and gave them to her.  She was so excited and said she knew it...mother's intuition!  So, Cody's dad came over on Tuesday night for dinner, but he had no idea what he was in store for.  Cody had gotten me a gift card from Healthy Skin awhile back and I kept the bag it came in.  He filled that bag up with some of the same goodies that I had put in his box and told his dad that we had gotten him some new skin care stuff.  He rides a motorcycle and has to wear heavy duty sunscreen and keep his face moisturized so he doesn't get sun damage.  So, he was just thinking that we had gotten him some new stuff.  Well, as soon as he opened up that bag he knew immediately.  He started crying and gave us both hugs and couldn't stop talking about how excited he was.  We had SO much fun telling our parents!!!  This is going to be such a sweet journey!

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