Bubblegum Betty

Thursday, April 4, 2013

CrossFit Open WOD 13.4

I seriously can't believe that we are already in week 4 of the Open.  This has flown by!  But...I guess that's how things go when you love CrossFit and look forward to it everyday.  I have been especially looking forward to every Wednesday night these past few weeks wondering what the Open WOD will be.  It's so much anticipation and excitement...and a little nervousness!  This was the first week that I thought...oh my gosh...what if I can't clean and jerk 95lbs more than just a few times.  My max on cleans is 125...but my max on clean and jerks (the last time I did it was months ago) is 115.  95lbs is about 80% of my max...so I was afraid that I would really struggle with this one.

On Thursday morning I walked into CF325 and was immediately nervous.  I warmed up really good...rowed and stretched a lot.  Then did a bunch of clean and jerks with just the PVC pipe and then did some with the 35lb bar.  Jeremy told me to do a few with the 95lbs just to see how it felt...but I told him no.  Which I never do!  I told him I was afraid that it would take too much strength from me since I knew it was going to be so heavy anyways and I didn't want to burn off any strength or energy that I knew I would need.  After I did a few T2B...I was ready to get this show on the road.

3...2...1...GO!  And the 7 minutes started.  The first 3 clean and jerks were the hardest throughout the whole AMRAP.  I had to split jerk it to get the bar all the way up and my elbows locked out.  Then...I had to get my feet back to being under my body, shoulder width apart, and locked out before 1 rep counted.  But, the first 3 didn't take me long and I was off to the T2B.  When I started the 6 clean and jerks, they surprisingly got easier.  I was still having to use a lot of body power to jerk it up, but I wasn't having to split jerk anymore.  I finished the round of 6 for T2B quick and started the 9 clean and jerks.  By this point, I was super warm (and I think my little baby cakes was giving me extra strength and energy) and I was push pressing the 95lb bar up after I cleaned it.  The 9 T2B were getting harder by this point because my grip was starting to get tired, but I finished them pretty quick and started the round of 12.  I think I had a little over a minute left when I started the 12 clean and jerks.  So, I knew that this would be it and I needed to try to get as many as I could before the timer went off.  I wound up getting 6 of the 12 and was still push pressing the bar up after I cleaned it.  I found that the weight got easier for me the warmer I got and the more my body got used to the weight.   All in all I'm super pleased with my number on 13.4...I finished with 42 reps total.  My goal was to get 36 or more and I definitely accomplished my goal!  Only one more week of the 2013 CrossFit Open to go!!!

Open WOD 13.4 - 42 reps
Weeks Pregnant - 8

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