Bubblegum Betty

Monday, April 8, 2013

Little Sweet Pea (Week 5)

So...if you didn't miss the first announcement...we're PREGNANT!!!  OMG...it feels so good to finally air the news.  I have been feeling great so far (I'm now 10 weeks)...but the effects of pregnancy are definitely catching up with me.  My students are starting to wonder why I'm so tired and I have to sit down to teach instead of standing up and walking around the room like I normally do.  Now, I can finally tell them what's been going on!  Oh...and my already big appetite has been hard to cover too.  I've been sneaking snacks and eating mini meals so that I could keep something in my always hungry belly throughout the day.  My co-workers have been looking at me funny because my lunches have gotten smaller and why my food has gone back to what it was pre-Paleo.  So...since I can now tell you guys are amazing news...I want to do a weekly update throughout the pregnancy so that I can always look back on it and see how I was feeling, what my body was doing, and the doctor's appointments and such that we'll be going to.  I hope you keep up with us throughout this amazing journey.  We are SO excited that God has blessed us with this baby and cannot thank Him enough for healing Cody to make this miracle of life.

Week 5 of pregnancy doesn't really feel much different than pre-pregnancy.  I can tell a little bit after I eat a big meal that my tummy bloats more than it used to.  And, the more I eat as the day goes on, it gets a little pooched out.  But, when I wake up in the mornings on an empty stomach, it's just as flat as it was before we got pregnant...so I really like the mornings right now!  I'm not feeling very tired, but I am pretty moody!  It's kinda like PMS...bless Cody's heart.  Hopefully it will go away soon!  Thankfully it is not an everyday occurrence...but I'm definitely more emotional than my usual self.  Being overly emotional for me is what actually tipped me off.  I'm not one to cry, really ever, and I was finding myself getting teary eyed about little things that either set me off or even some commercials.  That, and my boobs hurt so bad.  And not from doing a WOD either.  It was definitely not a workout hurt.  That's the other change I've noticed.  I actually have boobs now!  So, all in all week 5 of pregnancy feels just about like normal, everyday life.  I am being more careful when I CrossFit.  I don't (or I try not to) go as high intensity as I was even the week before...still pregnant...just not knowing it!  But, I still do the RX weight, and I'm obviously still doing the Open.  Which, now you probably know why I haven't done as well for me as I normally would do.  I can't go balls to the walls!  This little sweet pea inside of me is much more important than doing well in a WOD or even the Open.  Although, I find myself getting frustrated with my times and reps.  But, I just keep reminding myself that it's for a reason and being safe is much more important than doing well in CrossFit right now.  I'm just so thankful that I can still do CrossFit and I have no restrictions other than to keep my heart rate in check.

This week our baby is the size of a sweet pea!  Only 35 more weeks to go!!!

And here are the pictures we put on the pregnancy announcement we sent to our friends and family!!!

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