Bubblegum Betty

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Green Olive...No Martini's for Me Please! (Week 8)

I cannot believe that I'm already 8 weeks pregnant!  That's 2 months!  Holy Cow...  Our first appointment is on March 28th and so we have been talking and talking and talking about that this week...only one more week to go until we hear the baby's heartbeat and actually get to see it inside my tummy!  Not that it's not real now, especially for me.  But, I know this will make being pregnant even more real and will probably bring us both to very joyous tears.  I also know that it will solidify everything for Cody.  He rubs on my ever growing belly all the time and gives it kisses.  But it's really hard for him to see or feel anything else except for the fact that my poochy tummy is growing!  However, it is very real for me.  I think it's probably always this way very early on for women and men.  We start to see and feel how our bodies are changing and it's not so obvious to them.  I also really feel it when it comes to my energy levels, my appetite, and the foods that I'm (rather the baby) is wanting.  He sees me eating things that I haven't eaten since we decided to go Paleo, so that's very obvious to him.  And he knows how exhausted I am by 8:00 at night.  But he can't feel it like I can.  Needless to say, we are pumped to hear this sweet pea's heart beat and see it on March 28th!

Week 8 Symptoms:

  • Ravenously, starving, can't get enough food no matter how much I eat all the time!
  • So, so, so tired (not even going to CrossFit every morning I'm so tired...I've gone twice this week and have done a WOD later in the day on the other days)
  • Cravings - Chinese food, donuts (the baked ones I home make!), blueberry muffins (homemade), egg sandwiches (homemade egg mcmuffins), Morningstar Farms chicken patties, salad (finally!), cheeseball with Ritz crackers, funfetti cupcakes, sweets of all kinds, Mexican food, fruit (thank goodness)
  • Food aversions - meat (except for seafood...which I can't have very much of), most veggies (bummer), the smell of most food cooking (so that's not happening at our house right now)
I have to be completely honest and say that even though we are so very excited and blessed that God has given us the miracle of being pregnant and having a baby, this week was hard for me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still so excited and absolutely can't wait to hear this sweet pea's heartbeat and to be parents in 8 months.  But, I could really tell a difference in my body this week.  Which is hard for me seeing as how everything I do is to stay fit, healthy, strong, and somewhat thin.  I don't want to be grossly skinny...but I do want to be a fit, healthy, and strong type of thin.  My clothes are getting a bit tight in my tummy, which doesn't so much bother me.  But I put on a pair of my favorite skinny jeans and they were a bit tight for my liking in my butt and legs.  It freaked me out because I thought...I can't already be gaining weight this early in those places!  I can still wear every single item of clothing I have in my closet and no one would even know I'm preggers, but they are just fitting a bit tighter and different than they used to.  However, I had to take a step back and first look at how my eating has changed and realize that my body is freaking out because of all the foods that I'm eating now that I haven't eaten in so long.  Then, I took an even bigger step back and realized that I need to be doing and eating whatever sounds good and what I can stomach so that this baby grows healthy and strong.  Because I'm having a lot of food aversions, it's mainly that whatever I ate the day before grossed me out, especially meat and veggies...so I want to be sure the baby is getting the nutrients that it needs from other sources.  I also have to be honest and say that I did start running again this week.  Before we joined CF325 and were doing CrossFit on our own, I would always run a mile before a WOD and sometimes I would run one after too if I had time.  I guess putting on those skinny jeans and them being a little tight freaked me out more than I'd like to admit and I felt like running a mile a day as well as doing a WOD would help me feel better.  And you know what, it has.  I've also tried to make it a point to eat more healthy than I had been.  I felt so terrible last week I was just eating anything that sounded good, which was carbs, carbs, carbs, and junk food.  I've still been splurging on things that the baby wants: fro-yo, Chinese food (hello Little Panda!), sweets, and lots of bread!  I think right now it's all about finding a happy, healthy balance for the baby and me.  I am glad that I'm running...I love running and only gave it up because I didn't have time to do it before or after a WOD.  Now, I'm doing a mile run for my warm-up at the box before the WOD, so I have plenty of time.  When I run, I feel so free and it gives me these extra endorphins that make me feel so good throughout the day on top of the ones I get from a WOD.  And don't think that just because I said all that that I'm not doing what I need to do for this baby.  It's my first priority and I'm eating 3 solid meals and 3-4 solid snacks throughout the day.  And if I get hungry and need something to eat in between a meal or snack, I have a supply stash in my desk for reserves and if I'm at home, I go and get a handful of anything that sounds good!  But, I also needed to do something for me to help this pregnancy (at least at this stage) not get me do bummed about how my body was changing.  I'm learning to embrace this sweet baby bump (and all the other changes that go along with it) and can't wait until it and the baby grows and we can start to feel it moving around inside of me!  Only 32 more weeks to go!!!

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