Bubblegum Betty

Friday, April 19, 2013

I Forgot How Much I LOVE Plums!!! (Week 11)

Baby Kelley is 11 weeks in the making and growing at a rapid pace!  Another .5 inches longer this week and weighs another .2 ounces.  That means that this sweet, precious baby is now the size of a large plum...or 2.5 inches long and weighs .5 ounces!  We ran to the store the other night to pick up a few things we ran out of and I passed by the fruit section and found a plum that was about the size of our little baby.  We were both shocked at how big this baby is already!  I know a plum is fairly small.  But, to think that just 4 weeks ago this baby was the size of a raspberry and now it's the size of a large plum is pretty incredible.  I mean...I had NO idea that in such a short amount of time it would grow so fast!  I guess that explains my ever growing appetite!  I've only done this a handful of times since I've been pregnant...but just this week I've gotten up a couple of times in the middle of the night to snack on some granola.  Last night I had actually gone to bed and about 10 minutes later just decided to get up and grab a handful of it to hold me over until after my workout when I drink my protein shakes.  I eat several times throughout the day but have just really noticed that I need to be eating more to keep this baby satisfied.  The only times I've really felt bad is just when I've let myself get to hungry.  Either I'm in the middle of working and just don't pay attention to my growling belly or I'm just waiting for the oven timer to go off to let me know that dinner is ready.  Those are the only times when I just can't get food in fast enough and kinda blah.  But as soon as I eat, I feel a lot better.  Funny how that works...you'd think that would be the last thing you would want to do when you feel kinda gross...but nope!

The only other changes I've really noticed this week is that I'm really short fused.  Not so much with a temper or anything.  Just my patience and my tolerance for things is so, so low.  I was never the most patient person to begin with so now it's just really heightened.  And I really don't have much of a filter when I have something on my mind.  It's like my brain thinks of something to say and my mouth just blurts it out before I have time to process what's coming out.  It's a little funny...I feel like I've become a little witty...but it could also be hurtful if I'm not careful.  My mom's beamed me on the head a few times for saying something I probably shouldn't have said...and then we all have a good laugh!  At least we can all joke about it!

Other than my growing appetite and my low patience and tolerance for things, I am still feeling wonderful!  My energy level is definitely much lower than it used to be...but baby growing is hard work and very tiring I'm finding!  I'm still running and CrossFitting in the mornings.  And I absolutely plan to keep it up until I go into labor.  If I just get too tired, then I'll go to the afternoon classes.  But, I'm not going to stop working out through this pregnancy.  It makes me feel so much better...and it will help me have an easier delivery...and I've read that babies are happier when their moms have worked out through the pregnancy.  It's a win for everybody!  Gotta love endorphins!!!  And...I have to brag on Cody.  I really can't say enough about how amazing he is.  He has always been an amazing husband...so loving, caring, kind, and helpful.  But he has really helped me out so much and really gone above and beyond to help me out.  I have been so tired at night the past couple weeks and he has not batted an eye at doing the laundry, unloading the dishwasher, running errands for me, bathing the dogs...I could go on and on!  And it's not just the helpful chores he's been doing.  He is still keeping up with what's going on with my body and how the baby's growing.  After I go to bed, he likes to get on www.babycenter.com and www.whattoexpect.com and read up on all things baby.  I couldn't ask for a better husband and daddy for our sweet little plum!!!

Week 11 Symptoms:
  • Hungry, hungry, hungry!
  • Still much, much more tired than I ever used to be
  • My boobs are really starting to get in my way during my workouts...why did I ever wish for big boobs?!?!?  They just get in the way!
  • A little moody, much less patient, not much of a filter on my blabby mouth
  • Aversions: still meat and vegetables except for the ones I've mentioned before...like the thought of eating a piece of meat with two sides of vegetables sends my stomach to my throat.  Just writing about it is making me gag!
  • Cravings: not many this week really...I've just been eating the same things that I've been craving and I think that's why I'm not craving them like I was!  Oh...I did eat 2 huge bowls of cereal this week...and right now it sounds fabulous!!!  Waffle Crisp, Amie?!?!?
Only 29 more weeks to go!!!

1 comment:

  1. YES! Waffle Crisp!! :) My pregnancy staple food!
