Bubblegum Betty

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lime-A-Ritas (Week 10)

How in the world am I already 10 weeks pregnant?!?!  Time is going by SO fast!  What I really can't believe is that I'm just a few weeks away from being out of my first trimester.  I know the first trimester is just a critical time and I'm ready to be out of it simply because I think I will feel like we've made a huge milestone safe and sound.  Not that I have any doubts that everything isn't perfectly fine...it's just the thought of it that scares me.  However, I have not had any hint of a problem!  Praise the Lord!  I haven't had any cramping, light bleeding, or anything else that would give any insight that something was wrong.  And...keeping on the positive side of things...I am feeling SO good!  I'm still running a mile everyday and doing a CrossFit WOD right after.  I've started to do the WODs on my own and not do them with the rest of the group.  I've really noticed that I need to slow down and when I WOD with everyone else, the competitive athlete comes out in me and I find it very hard to remember to take it easy.  I would say that I'm probably going about 60-75% of my normal pace and speed depending on the WOD.  I am still doing pretty much everything with my normal weight that I was doing before I was pregnant.  The only thing I've gone down on is my deadlifts.  They just don't feel comfortable anymore doing them with heavier weight...and I'm certainly not going to do anything that feels uncomfortable because it feels that way for a reason.  My main priority is keeping this baby safe.  So, I'm just counting my blessings that I can still run and CrossFit as normal as I can for being 10 weeks pregnant.  I am super tired and super hungry pretty much constantly.  But, I haven't had any nausea or other type of sick feeling.  Sometimes when I get too hungry, my stomach feels uneasy but I as soon as I feed this sweet baby, I feel so much better.  And guess what else???  The baby has already grown another 1/2 inch!  At week 10 Baby Kelley is the size of a lime..2 inches long and weighs about .3 ounces!  No lime-a-ritas for me for another 6 months though!  I think I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with how my body is changing.  I'm still wearing all my normal clothes...and they are all buttoning up just like always and they fit normal for the most part too...just a little snug in my tummy!  My belly is starting to stick out a little more and I'm really starting to like looking down and see it popping out.  It's really fun and exciting to finally see that this little one is starting to make an appearance!  I do have to say again that I think running has helped me a lot.  There's just this feeling you get when you run...it's so freeing and relaxing and really makes you forget about everything.  I've been taking the dogs out a lot on the weekends and that's been really nice too.  Getting to spend one-on-one time with them and being out on the street running is something I'm learning to really cherish.  I know it won't be long before we'll be accompanied by a jogging stroller with a sweet little one inside.  So, this time with my lovies is beginning to become a time that I really do cherish, look forward to, and enjoy...and I think they do too!  All in all I am really starting to love being pregnant!  As this little one continues to grow inside me, I get more and more excited to see the milestones that he/she will start to make...our precious little lime!!!

Week 10 Symptoms:
  • So, so, so hungry!  Our little one sure loves to eat!  And I am really starting to enjoy it!
  • Very tired...like I go to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 every night!  It probably doesn't help that I'm getting up at 4:50 to go to CrossFit...but I'm still way more tired than normal.
  • And my boobs...I think they just continue to grow!  I can really tell when I'm running or jumping rope...I've never had bouncy boobs before...so weird!
  • Aversions: meat (except: lunch meat, seafood, and ground beef), veggies (except: spinach, carrots, and tomatoes), really, really strong smells...no matter what they are it kinda sends my stomach lurching
  • Cravings: fruit (especially: strawberries, pineapple, mango, green grapes, granny smith apples), sandwiches, spaghetti with meat sauce, blueberry waffles, baked potatoes
Only 30 more weeks to go!!!

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