Bubblegum Betty

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Birthday Boy!

Sarge is 7 years old!!!  Sarge's birthday was on July 23rd and neither one of us can believe he is 7 years old.  Sometimes, he acts like he's still a puppy.  He hops up and down and twists and turns in the air when he's excited (especially when we've just woken up, gotten home, or it's time to feed him), he wrestles around with and chases Trigger (who is 2), and he antagonizes Faith until she finally gives up and plays with him too.  Then...there are times when he acts like a grumpy old man!  He's definitely stubborn and when he's annoyed with his sisters he does this bark/growl thing that sounds really vicious and mean...but it's just so he gets their attention.  The problem is, is that Trigger always thinks he wants to continue playing so she goes about her business nipping at his legs, biting on his ears, or sticking the bone in his face to make him chase her.  He gets out of his grumpy mood pretty quick...but we can definitely tell he's getting older.  Sarge has the cutest and sweetest personality though.  He's not much of a snuggler...but he always wants you to rub on his belly.  He'll sit right next to you and paw at you until you pay attention to him and rub his belly.  We've both tried to rub on his back or side while he's laying down, but as soon as we do, he rolls over so you can rub his belly!  I guess he doesn't ask for much...he just wants his belly scratched!  His facial expressions are also hilarious.  We wonder sometimes if he's got much going on in his little brain by the "duh" looks he gives.  I think he tries to con his way by giving those looks!  He knows that if he acts like he doesn't know what you're saying...he can do whatever he wants!  Stinker...  But, he really is such a good dog.  He is so protective of Faith and Trigger...and us to for that matter.  He is playful, loving, funny, and smart.  I can't believe that Cody has had him for seven years already...and I have been in his life for five of them.  We love you Sarge...thank you for being so special to us for all these years!!!
This is a hilarious video of my mom playing with Sarge!  When she would jump up and down, he would jump too and make his play growl/bark at her...so funny!!!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!  We love you!!!

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