Bubblegum Betty

Friday, September 7, 2012

Independence Day...

Sadly...this post is long overdue.  July 4th usually involves a trip to Kerrville and several days worth of summer hunting for the boys and just some time away from Abilene for the girls.  We go to a parade, cook lots of yummy food, do some shopping, and just relax a bit from all the responsibilities of being at home.  But this year, July 4th was on a Wednesday, so my parents and Cody only got off work for that one day.  So...there was no traveling involved for us this year.  Cody actually wound up going to Kerrville, so it was just me and the pups at home for a few days.  Since both my parents were off, I decided to cook some lunch for all of us.  Dad was going to be grilling that evening for dinner, so I thought...why not make lunch!  I made a yummy summer wheat berry salad with cranberries, feta cheese, sauteed onions, and spinach; baked chicken; and a frozen peanut butter pie for dessert.  It was pretty delicious!  After lunch, mom and I ran a few errands around town, then came home and just relaxed until dinner.  I guess it was a little after 5:00 when I walked across the street with Faith and Trigger.  When I got them in mom and dad's house, I walked back to our house to get Sarge.  It's way too hard trying to get all three of them across the street alone.  They get so excited (especially the girls because they know it means they get to swim) and drag me the whole way.  I'm always afraid that I won't be able to control them enough and they'll run out in front of a car...and then I would lose it.  I can't bare the thought of anything happening to them that I can control.  Sarge isn't much of a swimmer, so he just likes to go and chill inside while the other pups swim and play outside.  We stayed over there for about four hours.  They played and swam, and we ate, talked, and watched them outside.  All in all it was a pretty uneventful July 4th.  But, it was nice to spend the day with my family and all the pups, eat some good food, and shop and play some too!

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