Bubblegum Betty

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break!!!

Oh...how I love spring break!  It seems to come at just the right time and is the perfect little refresher to help get us teachers through the rest of the school year.  Or...at least until TAKS anyways!  I love what I do and I love being around my students all day long...but let's face it...we all need a little break from each other every once in awhile!  I already blogged about the trip Cody and I took and that was a big part of my spring break.  Cody doesn't get a spring break, so it was nice that he was able to take off work on Monday and Tuesday of spring break so that we could go on our anniversary trip.  We are both very blessed to have amazing jobs and work at places that allow for us to take vacations together.  Anyways...back to spring break!  This was probably the best spring break that I've had since I started teaching.  The other two have been wonderful and we've done some fun stuff, gone on other trips, and just relaxed.  But, I still say that this was the best so far!  I know one reason is because of how much fun we had while we were in San Antonio.  When we got back, my next class had started and so I had some homework to do.  That part kinda stunk...but I got it all pretty much done right after we got back so that I could just do some stuff around the house.  I know y'all are going to think I'm crazy, but after I got my homework done, I did some spring cleaning, bathed our three loves, cooked several meals, and relaxed.  This is the crazy part...I loved every minute of it!  I honestly love having these holidays within the school year because I truly do love that part of being a wife that means taking care of the house, taking care of my hubby, doing laundry, cooking, taking care of the kids (a.k.a dogs), and of course working out!  I do all of this all the time throughout the year, but it's nice to not have to get home from work and do it.  I'm slightly OCD and I love having a clean house and cooking yummy meals and having them ready when Cody gets home from work.  I also love having family and friends over for dinner too.  I just enjoy being able to do stuff like that for people...it makes me happy!  Oh...so the meals that I cooked over spring break were chicken stir fry, spaghetti and meatballs, and an Italian pasta melt.  I had never made meatballs before, and I'm glad I finally did.  They were very good and it was nice to have something besides ground beef stirred into the marinara sauce for change.  I would be lying if I didn't say that a little of it was for me to.  Cody likes that I keep our house so clean, but he's not like I am about it!  So, the cleaning house part is mainly for myself!  My favorite part of being home during spring break is the time that I get to spend with our babies.  During the week, we are both so busy.  By the time we get home, sometimes we are just too tired to take them for a walk or go outside and play fetch with them.  During spring break (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Summer too) I played with them throughout the day, snuggled with them a ton, and we took them for several walks.  I loved every second of getting to spend some extra time with them!  And I'm sure that they don't mind getting the extra attention either!  I also got to watch all my favorite day time TV shows, relax on the couch, run some errands with my mom, and just be a little lazy!  It was so nice!    I guess the next vacation/holiday is summer!!!  Wow...and that's only like 55 days away...but who's counting!

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