Bubblegum Betty

Thursday, March 21, 2013

CrossFit Open WOD 13.2

The CrossFit Open is well on it's way and 13.2 was no disappointment when it came to the announcement of this WOD.  When I first saw the announcement and heard what the WOD was going to be, I was so excited.  METCONs are what I'm best at because it's moving around a light enough weight that I can throw around easily and it involves a lot of endurance, cardio, and stamina...which are the things I'm best at in CrossFit.  I'm strong...but the three things I just mentioned are my forte.

As I watched Iceland Annie Thorisdottir and Lindsey Valenzuela completely fly through the movements, I thought...this will be a piece of cake!  What I failed to forget is that Annie is a two year CrossFit Games repeat champion and Lindsey has competed and done well at the Games too.  These girls are not only 1,000 times stronger than me, but they're also a lot faster!  My max on push press is 110 lbs, so 75 lbs was 70% of my max.  That's a lot of weight to push press when you think about only doing 5 reps each round for 10 minutes...it gets HEAVY quick!  The deadlifts were a breeze...at first.  75 lbs is super light for me compared to my max and what I do in a normal WOD.  I usually do WODs with 135-155 on the bar.  So, the 75 lb deadlifts were something I was expecting to be easy.  And they were, but after doing box jumps and multiple rounds in 10 minutes, your legs start to get tired.  You're also using your legs to push press the bar up towards the end because you get tired and need the extra push from your legs.  And the box jumps...those were my enemy in this WOD!  I'm usually super fast on them...touch and go, touch and go.  But, I could not get in a rhythm.  The first two rounds I was flying, but after that I think my body just got exhausted.

It was spring break the week of 13.2, and unfortunately, I had woken up on Monday with a stomach bug that had been going around at school the week before.  On Thursday, which is when I did 13.2, I felt better.  But, I could tell that my body was extremely fatigued compared to how I do in most WODs and METCONs.  So, that may have been part of my problem during this WOD.  I've also heard, read, and talked to a lot of people that did step-ups instead of box jumps, which saved a lot of their energy and saved their legs.  Maybe I should have done that!  However, I didn't want to redo the WOD again.  Especially after not feeling so great all week.  But, I wound up getting 7 complete rounds plus 3 push presses.  So, 213 reps total.  I know I could have done better on this WOD, but I'm still pleased with my score!  Bring it on 13.3!

Open WOD 13.2 - 213 reps
Weeks Pregnant - 6

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