Bubblegum Betty

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Passing the Principal's Certification Test...

Most of you know that I graduated with my Master's degree in Education (M.Ed.) last May.  Even though I graduated, I still had one more thing to finish before I was officially done with the program.  That one thing was...to pass my Principal's certification test.  Anyone that is a teacher knows how hard the TExES exams are.  They are designed to get your critical thinking skills working in overdrive and ensure that you are knowledgeable about the subject are you are going to be teaching as well as how to make certain that every teacher knows about the pedagogy and professional responsibilities that a teacher must have to teach and adhere to the NCLB act.  The Principal's test is no different in the aspect of testing your knowledge on how to run a safe school and effective school environment where all students are given an opportunity to learn and the learning community is constantly growing and becoming better for all stakeholders.  It also requires you to do some serious critical thinking!  Most of the questions on these tests allow you to knock two answers completely out of the running, but the other two could both be right.  You just have to take a step back and think "perfect school scenario" and pick the answer that resembles that aspect.  There are also some where only one answer is the obvious choice...those are my favorite!  And...there are some where you go...these could all be right!  Anyways, these tests are NOT easy nor are they cheap.  At $120 a pop...you pray that you pass on the first time so that you simply don't have to pay the fee again...never mind the studying!  When I was studying for and taking my content are test (Business Education 6-12) it took me three times to pass it!  And when I finally did...I still had to take my PPR EC-12.  That one took me two times to pass.  So...do the math on that...it cost me $600 in tests before I was fully certified!  I did not want to take the Principal's test more than one time...but I also didn't want to put pressure on myself when I went in to take the test. 

So...on January 11th, I walked into the testing center after 2 years of a Master's program preparing me for this and hours of extra studying to ensure that I had done everything possible to pass this test.  I had also taken 2 practice tests and 2 mini practice tests so that I could be as prepared as possible.  My test started at 9:00 am and I walked out of the testing center 2.5 hours later.  You have 5 hours to complete the test...so I finished early...which could be good or bad!  I felt good about it...but I didn't want to jinx myself...plus you just really never know how the test goes.  So, I really didn't say much about it to my family and friends after I was done.  The results take between 3-10 business days to come in...so it was just a waiting game after I submitted my test.  I got an email on Tuesday, January 15th from TExES saying that my test scores were in.  Needles to say...I was SO nervous.  My whole body was shaking!  I immediately called Cody to tell him my results were in, forwarded the email to him, and gave him my log-in information so that he could check my scores for me.  Call me superstitious...but the other 2 times I've passed these exams...he's been the one to check my scores.  So, I wanted him to do it this time and not take any chances!  When he got into my account and checked my scores, he texted me right away.  And...I PASSED!!!!!!  I made a 250...you have to make a 240 or higher to pass.  There were 120 questions and I only missed 21 out of the 120 questions!  I have never been more relieved...in shock...but relieved!  Now, I am a certified Principal!  I'm excited to see what the future holds for me in my career and am excited for the opportunity to be a Principal someday!!!

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