Bubblegum Betty

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Brown Eyed Girl

I mean, really?!?!  How cute is she?!?!?!?
Our sweet little Trigger turned a year old on June 18th!  I can't believe that she is already a year old...time goes by so fast!  I guess it won't be too much longer and we'll have had her in our little family for a year.  I remember when Trigger and her brother Tank were born.  Brittany, my little brother's girlfriend, called us last summer telling us that her dog (Rocky) and her step-dad's dog (Chaco) had had puppies.  They didn't even know Chaco was pregnant!  In fact, they had even taken her to the vet because they thought she might be and the vet said that she wasn't pregnant.  So, on the morning of June 18, 2010, Brittany went outside and saw two little black blobs laying in the grass.  Chaco only had two little puppies and we got Trigger and my parents and brother got Tank.  They have been so much fun and have made both of our families so much more lively.  It is hilarious to watch them play together and we have so much fun having little play dates with them!  These two little pups have so much energy, personality, and are complete attention junkies!  Michael and Brittany toted them around until they were ready to leave their momma, so they are used to having the attention of everyone in the room.  Trigger will go and get her bone as soon as we walk in the door and bring it over to you and growl with the bone in her mouth and keep doing it until you chase her through the house.  She is a big talker and will make all kinds of noises until you give her the attention she knows she deserves.  But, what's best about her loving all the attention is that she is a big time snuggler.  Sarge, our boxer doesn't really like to snuggle all that much.  He does love to get his belly rubbed and will roll over on his back and paw at our hands until we give him a belly rub.  He's a super chill dog and just goes with the flow.  And little Faithly loves to be near us, but she only snuggles when she's super tired or at night when we go to bed.  She does sleep in between us and will snuggle up on one of us throughout the night.  She's super prissy (maybe I taught her that!) and her personality is loving and playful, but calm at the same time. But, there is just something about little Trigger.  Her facial expressions and her personality continually make us laugh and the way she loves us is priceless.  All of our babies mean so much to us and each one of them makes our family complete.  They mean so much to us and keep us company when we are all together, but especially when one of us is home and the other one isn't.  We truly feel that God has placed these three doggies in our life and He perfectly picked each one of them out especially for us.  Not too long ago we went into Mardel, a Christian bookstore off of South 14th, and we found a plaque that was titled "Pet's Prayer."  It truly says exactly what we feel about our dogs and how they make our family whole.  Happy 1st Birthday little Trigger!!!  We love you to pieces!
Pictures of little Trigger as a tiny puppy!
Trigger when she was 3-6 months old...she is Miss Personality!
Trigger when she was between 6-9 months old...can you tell from all these pictures that she loves her brother and sister?!?!?
These pictures were all taken on her birthday...1 year old!  She is so much fun and loves to play and love on us! I bought her some cupcake doggie treats for her for her birthday...you can tell that she is very excited to get her birthday treat!  She also shared them with Faith and Sarge...they were in love with these little treats! 
Happy Birthday Trigger!!!

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