Bubblegum Betty

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Tasty Little Rutabaga!!! (Week 25)

Ok...so it is really crazy to say that we are in week 25 and there are only 15 weeks left until we meet our precious girl!  It will probably be more like 13-14 weeks...so that is REALLY crazy!  I remember when we were just 13-15 weeks into this pregnancy...and it feels like so long ago.  And yet...it's gone by so fast.  This has been a really fun week though!  Mom has been helping me put together a bunch of stuff for the nursery.  So, we've had several craft days around here!  And when I say we, I mean, I came up with the ideas, bought the stuff, and mom put it all together!  I'm the shopper and money spender and she's the executor when it comes to putting everything together.  She is truly talented when it comes to looking at a picture and completely recreating whatever it is she's going off of.  And really, what she makes usually looks way better than the picture I've found!  Some of the ideas that I had found through Pinterest and Etsy were to put Seiden's name on the wall behind her crib.  I found these adorable letters that cost $17 a piece and so we trucked it to Hobby Lobby and bought the exact same things to recreate them.  I got everything half off, the letters, scrapbook paper, jewels, flowers, and other crystals and pearls to make them and probably spent $50 or less.  If I would have bought them, it would have probably been close to $120 with tax and shipping...crazy!  She also made 2 big flower arrangements, 1 nosegay, and 6 little single stem arrangements that are going to go in various places in the nursery.  All the accents are white, so the flowers and flower pots are also white or we found a few vintage milk white pieces at garage and estate sales.  She took 4 huge bunches of white peonies apart and glued rhinestones, pearls, buttons, and pins in the center of every single one so that they would all have a little bling to them.  I also bought a crown off of a website I found and she spray painted it white and blinged it up a bit!  I had in mind to go with a vintage/shabby chic look.  But it's kinda turning into a mixture of vintage/shabby chic and glamorous/fancy theme!  Which I love...it's got a good mix of sweet, soft, bling, and fancy.  It's all looking so good and I can't wait for it to be done so that I can do a huge nursery reveal post!  Some of our very dear friends are re-doing the furniture we bought, which was an armoire, dresser, and nightstand.  As soon as that's done, we will be able to put all the décor out, hang some things, and then it will be done.  So...it's almost there!!!

We were also supposed to have a 2 week check-up with Dr. Maberry this week, but we had to reschedule if for Monday.  He was going to be out of the state...so that was not going to work out very well!  But, the good news on it being rescheduled is that Cody is coming home this weekend and he is going to be able to stay through Monday and be at the appointment!  This is so exciting and wonderful for so many reasons.  One: he hasn't been home since the weekend of the 4th...so it's definitely time for him to be home and for us to see each other!  I sure do miss him!  Two: he will get to see how much she's grown and how beautiful she is!  He hasn't seen her since June 24th...so it's been over a month and she has grown so much since then!  Three: it just allows for another few days for God to continue to heal her and make that cyst smaller or remove it completely!  There are lots of other reasons it's so good to have him home...but I'm so thankful that I have such an amazing husband that works so hard and makes so many sacrifices for his family.  He truly is a gift from God and I am so blessed by him each and everyday. 

On another note...Sarge turned 8 years old on July 23rd!!!  He doesn't act like he's 8...he acts like he's still a puppy!  Which is amazing...our house wouldn't be the same if he wasn't so spunky!  He and Trigger are the best play mates.  She wouldn't know what to do without her big brother and best play buddy!  Faith is the little momma.  She plays sometimes.  But, she mainly likes to monitor them to make sure they are being as gentle as possible.  And if it gets a little rough, she'll go over to them and kinda get in-between them.  She is going to be such a good little momma and protector for Seiden!  I think Trigger and Sarge will think that we brought them home a new play mate and Faith will be super protective and watching her every move to make sure that she is happy and taken care of!  When mom and dad have been over and we've been in the nursery doing stuff, she either sits in front of the crib or stretches out and lays in front of it.  There's been a couple of times when I didn't know where she was and when I went in there to look for her, that's where she was!  Precious girl!  All the lovies are so excited about their baby sister.  They have all been really sniffing at my belly and are very interested in just exactly what she's doing in there.  When Trigger lays in my lap, there have been a couple of times when Seiden has been really moving and bumped Trigger.  Trigger turns around and gives me this, "What the heck was that?!?!" look.  Seiden has bumped Faith a couple of times too.  She was laying stretched out on the couch and had her head resting on my belly.  She couldn't quite get her head in a comfy position because Seiden was wiggling all around!  Our precious little girl is definitely a mover and I think she was just wanting to play with her brother and sisters!!!  We are so in love with this precious baby girl and we are so thankful everyday that God has blessed us with such an amazing gift!  Seiden Grace...we love you so, so much and we are beyond excited to meet you!!!

Seiden Grace at 25 Weeks:
  • You are the size of a rutabaga!
  • You are 10 inches long and weigh 2 whole pounds!
  • Your beautiful eyes are beginning to open this week and we can't wait to see them looking back at us.
  • Your brain-wave activity is in it's final stage of development.  You can now not only hear voices, but also respond to them.  We are talking to you and telling you how much we love you so much...and you are definitely responding to our voices!
  • You are quite the gymnast inside mommy's tummy!  You are doing somersaults, kicking, and waving those precious arms around!  You are big enough and strong enough that we can now feel you from the outside!!!
  • Your Uncle Michael was able to feel you kicking around in my tummy earlier this week.  He was so excited to feel you move and can't wait to meet you...he loves you so, so much!
  • You are growing and developing more and more everyday and you are simply perfect and absolutely beautiful.  We love you so very much Seiden Grace!!!
Only 15 More Weeks To Go!!!
Happy 8th Birthday Sarge!!!
Faith sitting in front of Seiden's crib!  And...a sneak pic of the bedding!!!

Trigger wandered in there when we were finishing up...so we got a sissy shot of the two of them!

Our growing girl!
This one was taken just a few days later...she's already grown a little more!  Such a beautiful baby girl!

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