Bubblegum Betty

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Life Lately

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!  I know, I know...the first day of fall was on September 22nd.  But, I've been so busy enjoying all that fall has to offer, I haven't had any time to post about it!  Well...that's not entirely true.  I've had time...I've just been spending it doing other things!  I feel like I say that every season is my favorite.  And I guess in some ways...they are all my favorite because there are so many different things to enjoy when it comes to every season.  But, there is just something about fall.  It's football season, hunting season, the weather is cooling off, I can take the girls for a run and Sarge for a walk without fear of them overheating, cute fall/winter clothes can finally be pulled out from the back of the closet (thank goodness for leggings, skinny jeans, and long shirts and sweaters!), the time is getting ready to change, it's always beautiful outside, the leaves are changing colors, snuggle time increases because it's cool enough you don't sweat to death, and of course...Starbuck's has their pumpkin spice lattes!  Cause let's get real...coffee is my crutch in the mornings (or afternoons, or evenings...just whenever really)!  But really, there is something in the air with fall that smells and feels so good.  I also love that it's time to pull out the crock pot and make yummy soups and chili.  And...I bake like a maniac because everything is pumpkin, apple, and cinnamon and it just makes the house smell yummy!  I usually don't eat what I bake...but I'll whip something up just to make the house smell like a bakery...or Cinnabon.  Whatever floats my boat that day!

Cody and I have honestly been enjoying fall.  He's been going hunting here and there...which is his passion.  He actually shot a beautiful 8 point buck with a drop tine.  It was his first buck to shoot with his bow!  We were both super excited about that...it will definitely be up on our wall in the office soon!  He's shot lots of doe, both axis and white tail.  But, he's never gotten the opportunity to shoot something worth mounting before.  They've always been too far away to shoot with his bow or they would smell him and take off before he got a chance to draw on one.  He, my dad, and brother lease a place out in Noodle.  That's where this buck was taken.  They go to the lease on some weeknights and most weekends.  They go out early in the mornings, come home for lunch, rest, then head back out to the lease until dark.  Then come home and eat dinner and turn around and do it all again the next day!  Of course, we have our ranch in Comfort, but it's 3.5 hours away.  So, they actually have to plan and make a trip out of going down there.  So, it's nice they have this lease so close to home.  While the boys hunt, I usually just do stuff around the house.  You know...the weekend chores.  Run errands, clean house, cook, shop a little, hang out with my besties.  If mom is also in town, I usually go run some errands with her too.  Hunting season is fun.  We get to enjoy just taking in God's beautiful creatures and His beautiful creations in nature with the changing landscapes...and the freezer gets refilled with yummy, healthy, lean, and natural meat.  Sounds a little contradicting I know.  But, it truly is amazing just to be in a deer blind and take everything in.  Hunting is just part of how we feed our family and also how we do our part to manage the deer population.  I mean...the cavemen did it!  I've got a post coming up talking about a lifestyle change for Cody and I relating to how we're eating like cavemen...it's called Paleo! 

All of this said...we are LOVING fall, our new Paleo lifestyle, and falling even more in love with CrossFit because of our amazing Elite team...more on that in the Paleo post!  We are having so much fun enjoying the cooler weather, watching lots of football, hunting, taking our loves for long runs and walks, nights by the campfires with our besties, and all things fall.  I hope I peaked your interest with my little teaser about Paleo and Elite Fitness and Nutrition!  Until that post...XOXO!!!

Here are some pics of Cody's deer!!!

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