Bubblegum Betty

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Husband is AMAZING!

I am one lucky girl to be married to such an amazing man! He is so caring, thoughtful, considerate, kind, ans just really amazing!  My sweet hubby did something so thoughtful and sweet one morning for me that I just had to write about it!  This happened back in January right after school had started back after the Christmas break...but like I said before...I have some catching up to do!  He typically stays up later than I do by at least an hour...most of the times two hours.  I get up at 4:30 to go work out before work and he usually doesn't get up until 7:00 or 7:15...so I go to bed between 9:30 and 10:00 and he comes to bed between 10:30 and midnight.  Anyways, this one morning back in January, I woke up to the sweetest notes laying around various parts of the kitchen and garage waiting for me after I had gotten up.  I had actually decided to work out in the afternoon that day because I was out of the habit of getting up so early and thought it would be better to ease my way back into it than just start getting up so early the day school started back.  I had told him this before I went to bed the night before, so he knew that I would be feeding the dogs and getting all the other things ready for the day that morning rather than doing it all the night before.  When I go work out early in the morning, he takes care of the dogs and I get all my stuff done the night before so I can just grab my lunch and my school bag and head out the door without turning any lights on and disturbing him and the pups while I leave the house.  Plus, I just don't have time to do anything when I leave that early...and I'm still half asleep!  So...this is what I got to wake up to:

This sweet note was in front of my lunch in the fridge.  It is the first place I go to in the mornings to get out my coffee creamer and my lunch for that day.  So sweet!!!

This note was obviously in the dogs food storage...which is the second place I go after I've let them out, and of course, loved on them.  They are pretty demanding for their breakfast...so I immediately get their food after I've made sure to take my food out of the fridge (I've forgotten it one too many times!)  What's funny is that I didn't even realize the next one because I was so excited to receive the first two!

This was the last note...and just so precious!  It was taped on my driver's side window of my car.  Right before I go back into our bathroom to change clothes, I take my school bag and purse out to my car and turn it on so it's nice and toasty (or nice and cool depending on the time of year) when I leave.  He is so sweet and knows me so well...he always does these sweet little things that touch my heart.  It was an amazing way to start my day!!!  I love you so much Cody Michael Kelley!!!

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