Bubblegum Betty

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I've been MIA...

Well...I'm sure by now many of you have noticed that I have not written a new blog post since January 18th.  That's a long time!  I promise I have a good excuse...and I also promise I've got several posts waiting to be written!  For the past seven weeks I have been taking the hardest class of my life and it has consumed nearly every minute and spare minute of my time.  My poor husband, family, and friends have had to put up with my crazy emotions as I've gone through this class...but I'm done now!  I'm still not sure what I made in the class.  As of right now, I have a 93.  But, there are several grades that need to be graded...so we'll see!  I have talked to many people that have said this is the hardest class that you'll take through this Master's program...and they weren't lying!  I'm so very thankful that this was one of the last classes that I had to take.  It was much easier to tolerate and bear down and study, read, and write knowing that I'll be graduating in May.  Now all I have left to do is write a couple more big papers for my Practicum and give a 45 minute presentation and I'll be finished!!!!  Woo hoo!  I never would have thought that two years of this program has already gone by...but I'm so thankful that it has.  I'm so glad that I decided to go back to school and get my Master's, but I'm also so ready to be DONE!  If I pull an "A" in this class, then I'll be graduating with a 4.0 and Summa Cum Laude honors...fingers crossed!  I thank everyone that has believed in me, pushed me, and put up with me these past two years and especially these past seven weeks...I couldn't have done it without any of you!  So...now you know where I've been and what I've been doing since I last blogged.  But keep checking back...I promise I won't leave you hanging!

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